Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Chihuly Style at Gra-Mar Middle School 5th -8th Grade

Students in the Visual Arts classes have been studying glass artist Dale Chihuly. We have been exploring his style of artwork and creating our own examples.
Fifth Grade Students creating "Floats"

We suspended our "Floats" from the ceiling.

Sixth Grade students enjoyed creating a "Chandelier" with plastic bottles, acrylic paint, chicken wire, paper clips and  . . .

 a string of lights to illuminate it. 

Sixth graders created acetate "Persians" and tissue paper "Persians".

We colored overhead transparencies with permanent marker, placed them over a clay pot and gently heated them to create our transparent "Persians".

 Students enjoyed all the techniques and media we used for Macchia.
We used acrylic paints to create a "bird's eye view" of macchia.

Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh graders used coffee filters, water base markers, and starch to create paper macchia.

Seventh graders enjoyed coloring overhead transparencies with permanent markers, placing the transparencies on clay pots and heating with the heat gun to create "glass Macchia".

Seventh Grade students created "Cylinder" paintings with acrylic paint and chalk.

Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grade students
created their individual "glass bottle art".  Plastic bottles, permanent marker and a heat gun can create beautiful works of "glass" art.

Eighth Grade sculptures created out of foam core, construction paper,
 wire twists, toothpicks and pom poms.


  1. Very creative lesson plans. Thank you for sharing.
    Penny Duncan
    Art tEacher

  2. Could you tell me what amp of heat gun you used? I really love your idea with the transparencies!

  3. Agreed about the heat gun. I don't have a heat gun and have never used one. I wonder if there are alternatives for melting the plastic. Do they give off a bad smell when heated? Would love to know because they look beautiful!

    1. I believe most heat guns have a low/high setting. the closer the student gets to the plastic the more likely it is to burn a hole. so advise them to use the low heat and keep it further back. the metal piece on the end gets very hot easily and quickly so make sure they know and don't burn themselves. if you are skeptical I would advise trying a blow dryer on the high heat setting. and maybe try shrink wrap? good luck!

  4. I tried to do the heat gun idea but the transparency turned black! Any ideas on what I did wrong?

  5. what type of overhead transparencies did you use? we have two kinds - ones meant to go in the copier and the kind that are just for writing on and using on the overhead. does it matter?
